Earth day – how can air conditioners save the planet?

Can air conditioners actually save the planet? Let’s ask ourselves this unusual question! Today is the right day as we celebrate the International Earth day! Global warming is a gradual…

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Adiabatic cooler and NET zero goals: the UK situation

Can adiabatic coolers contribute to a general gas emissions reduction in the UK? Can adopting adiabatic cooling be an answer to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by…

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Evaporative cooling for the UK: what’s behind the technology?

Evaporative cooling is now becoming very popular. It is one of the most efficient cooling technologies available in the United Kingdom. What are the properties behind this technology? Let’s discover…

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Evaporative cooler: 5 things you need to know – UK

There’s never been a better time to invest in evaporative cooling. Energy prices are escalating and UK summers are typically experiencing heat waves. In the UK, an evaporative cooler offers…

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